Integration services


• Swiss Cultural Awareness • Country Integration • Learning the Language •
• Education and development •

Before, during and after relocating, you may want to know about: local Educational options, or how to deal with your professional development whether or  not you will be able to work, or how to settle-in and understand and appreciate local culture.

Starting your Life In Switzerland

Integration in a different culture is not an easy task, nobody is prepared to cope with each and every aspect of moving your everyday life to a different country. We offer assistance to integrate, learn about the Swiss society, the culture, the language, the job market, finding a position in the Swiss job market, to continue your career and much more…

Besides that, we also support any other type of career related support. Whether or not it is related to your relocation such as education, job search, career chances and outplacement, we have the experience to assist you in any way in the Swiss job market.

Living in Switzerland

Need Help, Find a House, Language Lessons, a Permit, Insurances, Finance Optimalization, a Course, Leisure activities, Tips or anything....
Contact us

Get Expert advice from professionals who understand the impact of your relocation

Pick Your Course:

NEW: Self-Guided E-Course ‘The Success-Mindset for your work and life abroad’ of 36 lessons within 5 Modules

Learning how to be successful is a process. This course will guide you in this process. It begins with the development of an effective mindset and concludes with a plan for living the best year of your life.

The course can be viewed as a library of strategies and tools to be used in creating a highly successful version of your brain.

The 36 lessons are contained within 5 modules. Each lesson concludes with a required task that will help you build momentum from the very first lesson.

Would you like to know more about our e-course?

Pick Your Language:

Mandatory language learning requirements
Learning French, German or Italian is part of the integration process. In addition, you have to learn how Swiss people live and work. After this, you can take the official integration exam from the organization called fide . Fide stands for «Français, Italiano, Deutsch in Switzerland», if you pass this exam, you are officially integrated.

The integration of migrants is an important political and social aim of the Swiss Confederation. A key role is attributed to communicating in a local language. With the mandate to develop a conceptual framework for the linguistic integration of migrants, the Federal Council, in 2007, started an initative what would become fide.

What is fide?
First and foremost it is the name of the Swiss programme for promoting linguistic integration. The aim of fide is to guarantee high-quality opportunities for development to immigrants who speak other languages than one of the Swiss national languages.  Qualifying for the fide requirements gives proof of their linguistic competences. The didactic approach of fide is characterized by principles such as everyday relevance, action and needs-orientation.

Request for information about fide-recognised language courses and exams

Your Integration Services!
We know the area and we get you quicker to your goals

An Integration services-package may include any of the programs or any combination of the Services that are listed above

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